Session: The Living Network
Laura Nicholson is the Director Nursing Simulation Centre at York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Laura brings to this role a blend of the unique perspectives of a registered nurse, with over 20-years of experience in emergency nursing, and 18 years teaching in baccalaureate nursing programs. These two complimentary roles provided Laura with the perspective of membership and leadership within distinct teams who worked together to achieve identified goals. Regardless of whether the goal was stabilizing a client or providing educational support for future registered nurses, the respective teams worked with the best evidence available.
Laura’s past research projects involve the use of simulation as a learning modality. Two projects were the exploration of the use of simulation technologies in transformative nursing student learning and the influence of simulation on hand hygiene compliance in clinical practice.
Laura is Principle Investigator of a pilot project with funding from Ontario Centres of Excellence. The pilot involves working with an upstart technology company, Studio 1 Labs. Together we worked on the proof of concept of an innovative medical device. Engagement in a proof of concept project blended the principles of simulation, ethical research, adherence to best practices, and complex technologies. The relationship with Studio 1 Labs is an honest example of an innovative ecosystem where all parties focused on their areas of expertise and worked harmoniously toward achieving the end goal of safer patient care.
Laura is honoured to take part in this conference and excited to share her experiences. Sharing these experiences will hopefully inspire others to join teams whose members have different, yet complimentary areas of expertise.