Jessica Thornton helps organizations understand and apply strategy foresight methods so they can make informed decisions about their future.
Jessica is a futurist, facilitator, strategist and process designer with 15+ years of experience in the public and nonprofit sector, designing and delivering a range of programs and engagement experiences (virtual and in-person). She has released numerous strategic foresight publications, and worked across a variety of diverse subject areas, including city-building, future of work, sustainability, food systems, creative arts, and public governance.
Jessica was named a Next Generation Foresight Practitioner Fellow in 2021 and is a foresight associate at Future Cities Canada. Her collaborative research exploring the future of public engagement for municipalities won an award from the Association of Professional Futurists in 2019. Jessica has a B.A. in Socio-cultural Anthropology from the University of Toronto, and a Master’s of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation from OCAD University.